To be effective, a coach has to develop a level of trust with the person being coached. You want to be challenged, instead of checklisted.
“A coach is someone who tells you what you don’t want to hear, who has you see what you don’t want to see, so you can be who you have always known you could be.”
First, what does it mean to be "coachable?" Basically it means you've demonstrated two things:
- You are authentically willing and able to try on a new approach.
- You are willing to be accountable for your results.
Let's start with the assumption that you are.
When you follow your coach's recommendations, you can expect the following results from your team:
- increased admiration
- increased respect
- increased trust
- increased communication
- increased enthusiasm
- increased participation
- increased productivity
- increased contribution
- increased performance
- increased success
- increased willingness to follow your lead
Ready to get started?
It all begins with communication. What messages are you sending, and how do these compare with the messages others are receiving? Are you communicating clearly as an executive, or are you giving mixed signals? How do you know?
These are just some of the questions you should ask:
- Are you using cascading communication?
- Have you created a communication vacuum?
- Are your subordinates communicating the same messages as you, or are they creating internal discord?
- How approachable are you?
- Does your team trust what you're telling them? How would you know?
We'll coach you in communicating and building trust with team members at every level of your organization.
Because your success depends on it.
Are you a Level 5 leader? What level are you now?
- Level 5 Executive - builds enduring greatness through a paradoxical blend of personal humility and professional will
- Effective Leader - catalyzes commitment to and vigorous pursuit of a clear and compelling vision, stimulating higher performance standards
- Competent Manager - organizes people and resources toward the effective and efficient pursuit of predetermined objectives
- Contributing Team Member - contributes individual capabilities to the achievement of group objectives and works efficiently with others in a group setting
- Highly Capable Individual - makes productive contributions through talent, knowledge, skills, and good work habits*
*Source: Collins, 2001. See
Where do you want to go from here?
Whether you're a seasoned executive or new to the C-suite, we'll guide you toward your highest aspirations.
Your coach is a sounding board as you develop and hone your decision-making skills. Your toolbox should include a firm understanding of at least these methods and when to use each:
- triangulation
- decision tree
- thin slice
- gut instinct
- voting
- consensus
Why? Executives with limited or narrow decision-making styles miss critical opportunities. And even experienced leaders can get stuck in analysis paralysis.
Men and women are not only from Mars and Venus, respectively, breakthroughs in MRI research shows our brains are actually wired for entirely different ways of communicating. These differences show up frequently in the workplace. Did you know, for example, that women have a problem using the word "problem?"
Great executives recognize that equality does not mean sameness. You'll learn how men and women pay attention to different kinds of information, and process this information through different sets of filters.
As an added bonus, you may find your new understanding improves your relationships outside of work as well.
“There are four ways, and only four ways, in which we have contact with the world. We are evaluated and classified by these four contacts: what we do, how we look, what we say, and how we say it.”
Coachability assessment
First session is in person
Following sessions can be by phone
Session length is 50 minutes
Minimum package is 12 sessions
Recommended package is 6 months
Bi-weekly or monthly sessions are available after completing 6 months
3 months / 12 sessions
4 months / 16 sessions
6 months / 24 sessions
6 month extension / 12 sessions
6 month extension / 6 sessions