You can dramatically improve your bottom line. We'll help you find out how. Guaranteed.
“Good is the enemy of the great.”
What are your firm's key drivers? Does everyone on your team understand your economic engine? Or are you suffering death by a thousand cuts?
Inevitably there are areas where your company can improve. A fresh set of eyes will give you new perspective and uncover hidden potential — and the magnitude may surprise you. Here are just some of our clients' results:
identified immediately actionable cost savings to boost bottom line 20%
increased high-margin retail sales 97%
negotiated new vendor partnerships increasing net income on product sales to 35% from 17%
reduced manufacturing labor expense by 23% in eight months
cut peak season lost sales by more than 50%
implemented virtual staffing generating 36% savings in payroll expenses and 80% savings in rent expense
identified $438K annualized savings (17%) through cross-functional direct cost reduction analysis, and
analyzed overhead costs and negotiated 30% reduction in telecom and general insurance expenses.
We'll help you find overlooked opportunities to maximize your company's financial performance.
Together we'll prioritize your action plan to implement improvements as quickly and as smoothly as possible.
Profitability, sustainability, operational efficiency, liquidity, leverage...understanding your company's financial ratios is key to your success. Whether it's sales growth, gross profit margin, inventory turnover, working capital or others, you need timely information and a firm grip on both the current status and trend patterns of your financial results.
We'll help you ensure you're focused on the right ratios to maximize your firm's performance.
Chances are you're sitting on underutilized assets — from machinery and equipment to real estate and vehicle fleets. We can help you calculate capacity, navigate lease or buy options, and renegotiate with vendors for more favorable inventory turns. We can also help you determine whether you should ramp up production, add new product lines, or even additional shifts.
How does your organization's performance stack up against the competition? An in-depth SWOT analysis can reveal hidden strengths you can leverage, or weaknesses you need to correct.
We'll look for incremental improvements that will bring the biggest benefit to your bottom line.
“The single greatest advantage any company can achieve is organizational health. Yet it is ignored by most leaders even though it is simple, free, and available to anyone who wants it.”
“Greatness is not a function of circumstance. Greatness, it turns out, is largely a matter of conscious choice, and discipline.”
“When you’re struggling with a difficult decision about your team, it usually comes down to short term pain vs. long term pain. Take your choice.”
“Most discussions of decision making assume that only senior executives make decisions or that only senior executives’ decisions matter. This is a dangerous mistake.”
“For a negotiator to reach an agreement that meets his own self-interest he needs to develop a solution which also appeals to the self-interest of the other.”
“Letting the wrong people hang around is unfair to all the right people, as they inevitably find themselves compensating for the inadequacies of the wrong people. Worse, it can drive away the best people. Strong performers are intrinsically motivated by performance, and when they see their efforts impeded by carrying extra weight, they eventually become frustrated.”