To be truly aligned on the enterprise, everyone on your team needs to have a clear understanding of your purpose, your values, and your vision for the future.
“Companies that change best over time know first and foremost what should not change.”
What's your purpose?
True story: a company president was bemoaning how their financial results just weren't as good as they could be. The employees didn't seem to be on board with where the executive team was headed. And to top it off, they were saying things like, "We just don't know where the company is going."
So I asked a simple question:
"Steve (not his real name), what's your company's mission?"
He responded with, "Umm...I think it's something like...uh...I'm not exactly sure. I haven't looked at it in a while. I know we have one..."
Can you see where this is going? I said, "Steve, you're the president of the company and you can't tell me what your company's mission is. How on earth do you expect any one else to have a clue?"
Not meaning to single him out, I clarified. "Look. You're in good company. Sadly, almost every organization has a dry, boring, uninspiring mission statement hanging up on the wall somewhere that nobody pays attention to.
"But that's because people don't understand what a mission statement is. Your 'core purpose' — as Jim Collins calls it — is the reason your company exists. It's your North Star, your guiding light, that serves you and your executive team in every decision you make. Nothing less." I continued,
"A well-articulated mission or core purpose makes you want to get up out of bed in the morning. It motivates people to want to play on your team. And a really great one can bring tears to your eyes."
That's what's at stake.
So, can you tell me yours?
What are your values?
Strategies change, tactics change, markets change...but your company's core values, once codified, never change. They are the bedrock of your foundation.
Clarifying and articulating your values is the most important first step to building a winning team and ensuring your company's success.
If you haven't established and communicated your values, how can you gauge if you're bringing the right people on the bus?
Let's say your company has a well-articulated mission statement/core purpose. And your team knows what your values are, and they're on board. Great! But you can't stop there.
Even the most inspiring purpose and values won't get the job done on their own.
Your team needs you to paint a detailed, verbal picture of where you're headed...five, ten, twenty or thirty years from now. The timeline doesn't really matter.
What matters is there's a future to live into.
We'll help you clarify, craft and communicate your mission, vision and values in a single, carefully guided off-site session. One day and done.
You'll reap the benefits for many years to come.
As your organization grows, one of the most important evaluations you can make is to take stock of how well it is aligned on its own values.
If you're doing performance management right, your employees are getting feedback on their alignment with your values regularly.
But what about the company? Are you walking the talk? Or do your team members think you're paying lip service to your values? Values misalignments can demotivate employees, destroy performance and tear a team apart.
The financial impact of values misalignment cannot be overstated.
We can help you gain invaluable insights into your team's perceptions about your values, and just how well you're living up to your word.
What you learn may surprise you.
“Building a visionary company requires 1% vision and 99% alignment. When you have superb alignment, a visitor could drop in from outer space and infer your vision from the operations and activities of the company without ever reading it on paper or meeting a single senior executive.”
“To preserve and improve human life”
“To solve unsolved problems innovatively”
“To experience the joy of advancing and applying technology for the benefit of the public”
“To make people happy”
Source: Building Your Company's Vision